Storrie Lake SP – Las Vegas, NM

The drive from Santa Fe to Las Vegas along I-25 is a quiet drive to Storrie Lake State Park.

We get oriented with the park. There are three separate camping areas, plus two large primitive camping areas. We finally decide on an open cabana site closer to the lake.

Within minutes we drop the jacks, level up, put out the slides and lay out the outdoor mat.

Across the lake, some clouds hover, somewhat dark, but I do not think too much of it until  filling the fresh water tank. Just a  few claps of thunder in the distance and a stray streak of lightning across the lake.

And, then out of nowhere, it begins!

The storm is here.

It could not have been more than another 15 minutes and we are placing rocks on the mat and closing all the windows. The next couple of hours we witness a significant afternoon storm roll  over the lake. Literally spraying pellets of water across the lake surface, whitecaps, 15-20mph  gusts, and some hail.

Afternoon thunderstorms.

After three days of repeated tunderstorm fun, we next enjoy two days of unrelenting heat (no shade in the  lakeside spot). As the weekend crowd moves out, we move to a different loop with shade trees — what a relief.

View from Site 4S


Cabana shelters.

We are enjoying the area and slowly exploring the town.

Indigo Theatre opposite Borracho’s.
Historic Las Vegas At Plaza Park.

There are numerous historic homes and buildings – some with potential to be super great!

Where are my tools????

Well…….. – if we were so inclined to put down roots, gather some tools, and build……Not yet.

For now, we’ll enjoy the local flavor, being mesmerized by the seasonal roasting of New Mexico’s Hatch green chiles.

There seems to be multiple locations to buy fresly roasted Hatch green chiles in Las Vegas, and we have been able to find one particular vendor selling approximately 5-lb quantities. More manageable than the 25-lb box.

It has been fun experimenting with ways to use these little beauties in various dishes.

Before the season ends in the next few weeks, we will stock up the freezer to capture that wonderful flavor, at least for a couple of months.

If you are interested in more details about the park or recipes, leave a comment.

4 thoughts on “Storrie Lake SP – Las Vegas, NM”

    1. Outside many stores, they roast them for customers. The roasters look like big wire tumblers (picture lottery ticket cylinder barrels.) It takes 5-10 minutes to roast and the arroma is FANTASTIC). Chopped up in scrambled eggs was a great kickstart to the day. I just freeze them and the skins peel right off easily. I will update the post with some recipes I already made.
      These are so much better than Jalapeno poppers, which we do all the time. We are now off the beaten tract in Villanueva, NM. State roads are very narrow and go thru rural areas.
      Say hi to all!

    1. We are definitely enjoying this part of life. Now if we could only keep the vehicles looking noce for more than a few days at a time. It rains just enough to splash dirt on all the wheels. I am glad to have you along. Best regards, Jackie

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